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As a developer, the major work daily is normally coding and debugging. However, nowadays it's pretty challenge for the developer to invest much time on coding every day as there are lots of other things distracting us like meetings, emails etc.How much time do you spend on coding daily? What are the distractions you have in your daily work?...

16,073  1   

Frequently programmers like to say this should work, this is not a bug but a feature. These all sound like a lie. Do you know what other lies programmers like to tell?...

10,597  1   

There seems a trend that more and more startups start to use GoLang as their main BE programming languages with the obvious advantage of high concurrency support and bunch of other features. Is this happening to your company as well? Why do you like and dislike GoLang?...

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Recently there is a hot debate in China about companies implementing 996 policies. Even Alibaba founder Jack Ma involves in this controversy discussion. Basically 996 means working from 9am to 9pm a day and 6 days a week. This policy is largely considered as depriving the personal time of employees. Many people think this violates the law and companies should stop doing this while others think that people can choose to leave if they don't agree the company policy. 996 is common now in China, esp...

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As an IT professional, it's recommended to write blogs so that the knowledge you learned can be recorded and shared with other people may have similar demand. But unfortunately, lots of people are not writing blogs. What are your reasons? ...

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As a developer, it is recommended that you write tech blogs to record what you have learned and experienced along the way of programming since there are lots of knowledge and challenges. Many people feel it's hard to start to write tech blogs because they don't know what to write or how to write. Do you write tech blogs? Why do you write or do not write tech blogs? Any advice to give?...

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As programmers, you may have spent plenty of time on learning different skills or technologies. To practice them, you may have created some weekend projects which would not take your too long while implementing something you find interesting. So what's yours? What technology have you used?...

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